【ln.hk】Lingnan University – A research-focused liberal arts university in Hong Kong  

网站简介:Lingnan University, founded in 1888, aspires to be a renowned research-focused liberal arts university for the digital age. Committed to excellence in teaching, research, and community ties, aiming for international acclaim.

关键词:Lingnan University, LU, Research liberal arts university, Tertiary Education, Study in Hong Kong, University Study

【ttr.hk】毅行教室慈善基金 TTR Trailwalker Teaching Room Charity Foundation Limited  

网站简介:毅行教室慈善基金由「毅行先生」陳國強KK Chan 創立。本會理念:「恆健行善」,教授大眾越野跑、行山技巧,讓大眾認識山野安全,減少意外發生。同時培養青少年對越野運動興趣,為他們建立自信,盼將運動成為終身志業。


【rvs.sg】Relentless Vocal Studio | Fun & Effective | Certified Voice Teacher | Singapore  

网站简介:Relentless Vocal Studio teaches healthy vocal technique that you can apply across genres. Sing alone or in groups, online or at our studio. Trial lessons available.

关键词:unleash, the, voice, within

【oac.life】How To Help? | ECP Webinar | Rev. Devan Jesse Byrne  

网站简介:Live an Open and Clear Life! Registration | Rev. Devan Jesse Byrne - Teaching the steps to Spiritual Experiences since 2006 - A Course in Miracles ACIM - Energy Healing - Enlightenment - OBE - NDE - Meditation - End the research, experience the Truth.


【exa.uk】Internet Services For Education & Business | Exa Networks  

网站简介:Exa Networks is committed to providing internet services for education that empower your teachers and enhance students’ learning. Learn More.


【ddgr.us】Gun Range | Double Diamond Gun Range | Anson  

网站简介:Double Diamond Gun Range. We have a 15 Lane Indoor Gun Range and We teach LTC Classes and handgun classes. We also have the only LIVEFIRE Simulator in the area.

关键词:Diamond, Double, Gun, Range

【eltn.com】ELT Calendar: Events for language teaching professionals in Japan  

网站简介:ELT Calendar Japan is for English language teachers with an interest in professional development oppportunties, language teaching workshops, educational materials exhibitions, and conferences held by various organizations for teachers in Japan, including non-profit teachers' groups, publishers, and academic institutions.

关键词:professional development for EFL teachers,EFL publishers in Japan,EFL in Japan, ELT in Japan,teaching English in Japan

【xo1.design】Félix Bocquet - 360° Designer  

网站简介:My name's Félix and I'm a french freelancer and creative mind.My graphic journey started about 30 years ago with some heavy stick drawing skills 👶🏻. I've found the Holy Grail 🏆 with Adobe CS at the age of 15 and start the real deal ! Now I'm fullfiling my kid dream by working in ✍️ Graphic Design doing stuff like : Webdesign & Website, Brand & Logo Design & Identity, Photography, Video & Motion Design and at least 10 other cool things... Oh! And I'm a teacher 🎓 with already 250 trainees & 5 years of experience in graphic education ! I'm also a 🇫🇷 (obviously) & 🇬🇧 speaker :)

关键词:Designer,Photographer,360° Designer,Webdesign,Motiondesign,Videographer

【fpu.edu】Fresno Pacific University  

网站简介:Fresno Pacific University is a Christian university located in Central California that offers programs in nursing, teaching and a variety of other areas.


【gmts.gg】Guernsey Motorcycle Training Scheme | Teaching safe and responsible riding in Guernsey  




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